21 December 2014

Ambassador Marisa Micallef attends a Simshar screening in West Hollywood

Ambassador Marisa Micallef recently attended a screening of "Simshar" directed by Rebecca Cremona which is currently in the race for Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars.

Simshar is one of 83 films competing for 5 nomination spots which will then be competing for the 87th Oscar event to be held next February.

This film is inspired by true events that occurred in 2008 while the theme of immigration is also skillfully weaved in.

The screening on the 18th of November was held in West Hollywood and Ambassador Micallef noted a very positive reception from those present.

Ambassador Marisa Micallef said,” I was delighted to watch the film among the top industry professionals who received it so well. Many people in the USA are as yet unaware of the huge challenges faced by Malta and this very interesting film highlights the human face behind these challenges. We are very proud of Rebecca Cremona and the whole team that supported her."

During the month of November Ambassador Micallef also networked with contacts in LA, NYC and in the entertainment industry in general and elsewhere to support the film in every way possible.

Some sponsorship was also organised by Ambassador Marisa Micallef and the Embassy of Malta would like to thank.Honorary Consul General Hugh Cassar most especially for his much valued and appreciated sponsorhip which assisted this demanding campaign to promote the film Simshar, and Hon Consul General Louis Vella for his contacts and support with the Maltese community in San Francisco.

22 November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Source:  http://www.w8themes.com/

The Library of Congress and The Kennedy Centre, Washington DC for Eurokids 2014

In November 2014, the Embassy of the Republic of Malta participated in the Kids Euro Festival, which was organised by the EU Delegation to the United States with a show from More or Less Theatre.

The Executive Director of the European American Cultural Foundation Kimberley Heatherington thanked Ambassador Marisa Micallef and said that this”enthusiasm for Kids Euro Festival and the spirit it represents means a great deal to the American European Cultural Foundation...and that it is only through this kind of collaboration that the Kids Euro Festival is at all possible.”

Malcolm Galea and Joseph Zammit performed in four shows while in Washington, performing The Complete History of Malta (More or Less) at two significant venues, the Kennedy Centre Millennium Stage and a first for Malta… at the Library of Congress…as well as in two schools Sheridan School and the Mansion at Strathmore where these two talented performers brought the house down.

This two-week long festival is a joint cultural diplomacy initiative of the EU Embassies in Washington and is a wonderful showcase of European arts and culture that presents many free activities to families and, particularly, to children. This year’s more than 200 events included performances, concerts, workshops, movies, storytelling, puppetry, dance, magic, cinema and more. For more information about the Kids Euro Festival, please visit: http://kidseurofestival.org/.

The Embassy of Malta in Washington DC would like to thank the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ Cultural Diplomacy Fund and the generosity of the benefactors of the European-American Cultural Foundation, for having made the whole event possible.

18 October 2014

Malta Favur Negozjati Bejn L-Unjoni Ewropea U L-Istati Uniti Dwar Ftehim Trans-Atlantika Ta' Kummerċ U Ta' Investiment (TTIP)

Il-Ministru għall-Ekonomija, Investiment u Intrarpriżi  Żgħar Dr Chris Cardona attenda għal laqgħa informali tal-Ministri tal-Kummerċ tal-Unjoni Ewropea, li saret f’Ruma, li trattat il-fehim Trans-Atlantika ta' Kummerċ u ta' Investiment (TTIP), ir-relazzjonijiet mar-Russja u l-Ukrajna u l-Politika Kummerċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Il-Ministru Cardona qal li Malta hija favur li l-Kummissjoni Ewropea tkompli bin-negozjati tagħha għal ftehim Trans-Atlantika ta' Kummerċ u ta' Investiment.  Dan għaliex huwa mistenni li ftehim ta’ dan it-tip ikollu l-potenzjal li jtejjeb il-kummerċ bejn l-Istati Membri tal-UE u l-Istati Uniti u għalhekk jistimula tkabbir ekonomiku fiż-żewġ reġjuni.

Fl-istess waqt, il-Ministru Cardona, qal li Malta hija mħassba bin-nuqqas ta’ aċċessibbiltà li hemm għal dokumenti tal-Istati Uniti li huma importanti biex issir analisi sew tad-diskussjonijiet, kif ukoll dwar il-pożizzjoni li qed tieħu l-Istati Uniti fis-settur marittimu, fl-avjazzjoni u l-gaming. 

Dwar is-settur Marittimu, il-Ministru Cardona tkellem fuq il-ħtieġa li l-ftehim jistabilixxi numru ta’ obbligi bejn iż-żewġ partijiet, għaliex fis-sitwazzjoni li qegħdin fiha l-operaturi mill-Unjoni Ewropea għandhom aċċess limitat għas-swieq fl-Istati Uniti.

Dr Chris Cardona qal ukoll li Malta tixtieq tara progress fis-setturi tas-servizzi tat-trasport internazzjonali u fid-diskussjonijiet dwar l-aspett regolatorju tas-servizzi finanzjarji għaliex iż-żewġ oqsma huma importanti għall-ekonomji tal-Unjoni Ewropea u tal-Istati Uniti.

11 October 2014

Maestro Joseph Vella’s Mass To Be Performed In New York In 2015

During the celebrations in Washington DC marking the fiftieth anniversary of Malta’s Independence, the Maltese Ambassador to the US Ms. Marisa Micallef took the opportunity to organise a cultural event to promote Maestro Joseph Vella’s Mass. The event was held at the Headquarters of the EU Delegation, where earlier this year Malta also successfully promoted the Valletta International Baroque Festival. 

The Ambassador and Christopher Hyland, who originally commissioned the Mass, had previously also had talks with the New York Choral Society in connection with performing this in New York City. During the Malta celebrations in DC the Director of the New York Choral Society David Hayes, made the very positive announcement that the New York Choral Society had decided to perform this Mass in the fall of 2015 in NYC.

This event was very well attended by EU and other ambassadors, a number of US Administration officials including the Chief of Protocol, leaders from the DC Arts world, members of the Maltese community and of the diplomatic community in Washington, including the Apostolic Nuncio to the US.

The autographed programme relating to the September 19th Malta 50th anniversary event will be added to the New York Choral Society archive which is part of the collection of the NY Library of the performing arts.

Ambassador Micallef explained how when she first heard the Mass she knew it would be her responsibility to ensure it would be performed here in the USA and the Embassy of Malta had put together this special cultural event with this in mind.

01 August 2014

Thirteenth Year Anniversary Montage of 9/11

You are cordially invited for the unveiling of the Thirteenth Year Anniversary Montage memorializing the 185 Pentagon Souls who perished on Sept 11th, 2001.  The event will be held at the San Anton Presidential Palace - H'Attard.

The event is organised Maltese Artist Challie Turu Spiteri.

The general public is invited to attend.

Email 13anniversary9112014@gmail.com for more information or to reserve your place.

We encourage everyone to attend.

New Foundation Will Share And Celebrate Malta With North American Audiences

[Hamilton, Massachusetts] — To inspire Americans to learn about, experience and support places of great historic, cultural, and natural significance in Malta, the American Malta Foundation was created, in alliance with Din l-Art Ħelwa, the National Trust of Malta. After two years of planning, and studying the feasibility of a new organization, the American Malta Foundation (AMF) was formally launched in 2014, and is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. AMF memberships are available, and begin at $25. 

Din l-Art Ħelwa is a non-governmental, nonprofit, voluntary organization founded in 1965 to safeguard the historic, artistic and natural heritage of Malta. Since its beginning, Din l-Art Ħelwa has restored and managed numerous cultural sites of immense historic and environmental importance. As an independent American nonprofit corporation, the American Malta Foundation will help promote Din l-Art Ħelwa priorities in the United States and Canada. 

According to Stefanie Joy Muscat, President of the AMF Board of Directors, “In late 2012, the first conversations about the Foundation began, between myself and Luciano Mulè Stagno of Din l-Art Ħelwa. As the wife of a 2nd generation Maltese descendent, and the mother of a 3rd generation, I was actively seeking ways in which my family could have meaningful engagement with its Maltese roots. I was aware of organizations, in North America, actively fundraising and promoting the interests of NGOs in Europe and Asia. Why couldn't such an organization exist to represent Malta?” 

There are many activities currently being undertaken, and planned, by the American Malta Foundation. Among them is the North American Maltese Oral History Project (NAMOP), which represents one of the first attempts in the US and Canada to record Maltese immigrant experiences in their own words. 

The Foundation is also offering group travel to Malta. Two trips are being planning for 2015, with departures in April and October. Tours created by the American Malta Foundation allow for an intimate and exclusive view of Malta's unique culture, heritage and natural beauty. 

General information about the American Malta Foundation is available at http://www.americanmaltafoundation.org.

10 July 2014

4th Convention For Maltese Living Abroad

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs would like to inform the Maltese diaspora and the general public that the next convention for Maltese Living Abroad will take place on 20-23 April 2015. Preparations are currently ongoing and the Ministry would like to hear from those who are interested in participation at the fourth Convention.

The Convention will consist of plenary sessions together with a number of workshops. Other activities will also be organized at the margins of the Convention. These include an arts exhibition, literary symposium and a drawing exhibition by school children across the island relating to themes linked with the Diaspora.

The working languages of the Convention will be Maltese and English.

Those interested in attending the Convention are invited to express their intent of participation by filling in the form that may be downloaded from http://mfa.gov.mt/library/2015Convention%20-%201stNotice+Form%20(FINAL%20-%204July2014)%20(3).pdf. This form is to be sent via email on convention2015.mfa@gov.mt. Alternatively, the form may be sent to the following postal address:

The Director
Directorate for Maltese Living Abroad
Directorate-General for Political, European Affairs and Maltese Abroad
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Palazzo Parisio, Merchant’s Street
Valletta – VLT 1171

All forms (by electronic mail or by post) must reach the Ministry for Foreign Affairs by not later than Thursday 14 August 2014 (12.00hrs CET).

06 June 2014

Festival Barokk għal Gżira Barokka - lecture minn Kenneth Zammit Tabona

Fil-15 ta’ Mejju 2014, l-Ambaxxata tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta f’Washington D.C., b’kollaborazzjoni mad-Delegazzjoni tal-UE fl-Istati Uniti, kellha l-pjaċir li torganizza lecture minn Kenneth Zammit Tabona, il-Viċi President tat-Teatru Manoel, fuq l-identità barokka ta’ Malta, b’konnessjoni ukoll mal-Valletta International Baroque Festival, li huwa d-Direttur Artistiku tagħha. 

Dan il-lecture kien ir-riżultat ta’ laqgħat li l-Ambaxxatur Micallef kellha mad-Delegazzjoni tal-UE dwar is-suġġett tal-kultura ftit wara li waslet f’Washington, fejn kienet iddiskutiet ix-xewqa tagħha li l-Valletta International Baroque Festival u l-identità barokka ta’ Malta b’mod aktar ġenerali jkunu magħrufa aħjar min-nies ta’ D.C..

L-esperta tal-mużika storika Tina Chancey u l-kollegi tagħha mal-ewwel ħolqu l-atmosfera billi daqqew sonata mill-kompożitur Malti Michelangelo Vella (1710-1792), li kienet l-ewwel darba li qatt semgħuha udjenzi Amerikani.

Is-Sur Zammit Tabona imbagħad afaxxini l-udjenza bit-taħdita tiegħu fuq l-istorja w il-kultura ta’ Malta. Iffoka speċjalment fuq il-perjodu tal-Kavallieri ta’ Malta u kif dawn kienu ġew Malta u mhux talli baqgħu fuq il-Gżira iżda iffjorixxew u għamlu lil Malta attur ewlieni fix-xena kulturali tal-Ewropa fis-sekli sbatax u tmintax. Spjega kif il-belt Valletta kienet mibnija u tkellem dwar l-maestà tat-Teatru Manoel. Wara li kien pinġa stampa daqstant dettaljata, is-Sur Zammit Tabona mbagħad spjega l-kunċett tal-Valletta International Baroque Festival u qal kif Valletta ġiet magħżula bħala l-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura għas-sena 2018.

In-nies fl-udjenza mbagħad kellhom l-opportunità li jistaqsu xi mistoqsijiet lis-Sur Zammit Tabona dwar dan is-suġġett u biex jitkellmu miegħu b’mod aktar informali matul riċeviment ċkejken li ġie organizzat wara t-taħdita. Fuljetti promozzjonali dwar Malta kienu disponibbli għall-parteċipanti tal-avveniment matul il-lejla.

Il-lecture kien organizzat bħala parti mill-programm Conversations in Culture tad-Delegazzjoni tal-UE, li huwa serje kulturali li jsir kull xahar fil-Delegazzjoni tal-UE mniedi sabiex jenfasizza l-kulturi diversi tat-28 Stat Membru tal-UE. Il-lecture ifforma wkoll parti mill-programm tal-hekk imsejjaħ Xahar Ewropew tal-Kultura, li qed jiġi organizzat għat-tieni darba matul ix-xahar ta’ Mejju mid-Delegazzjoni tal-UE.

L-Ambaxxata tixtieq tirringrazzja t-Teatru Manoel, u speċjalment lil-President tat-Teatru, Michael Grech, tal-għajnuna li taw sabiex dan l-avveniment seta’ jsir.

16 May 2014

The President receives H.E. Mrs Gina K Abercrombie-Winstanley

The President, H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca receives H.E. Mrs Gina K Abercrombie-Winstanley, Ambassador of the United States of America, on a courtesy call.

10 April 2014

New Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for English-Teaching Professionals

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has launched a pilot Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) prepared by and for English-teaching professionals.
Shaping the Way We Teach English was developed by the University of Oregon. It is hosted on the Coursera platform as part of the Department’s partnership with Coursera. This is a free opportunity for current and future educators of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to improve the quality of their teaching methods.

The course offers a unique, multimedia-rich collaborative environment where participants can interact with top-ranked English-language educators from all over the world. Participants will have access to asynchronous materials and methods that complement college courses such as Introduction to Methods for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Interactive discussion forums will also allow participants to share ideas with each other to enhance their English language teaching expertise. The benefits of this course should enable educators to establish, adapt, and evaluate their methods, materials, and classroom activities to improve their students’ study of English.

The MOOC is divided into two five-week sessions with the first course began on April 7; the second session begins on May 12. Participants can enroll in the second session without participating in the first session.