15 May 2015

L-Ambaxxata ta’ Malta ċċelebrat Jum l-Ewropa

L-Ambaxxata ta’ Malta f'Washington ċċelebrat Jum l-Ewropa fid-9 ta’ Mejju bil-ftuħ tal-bibien tagħha għall-pubbliku bħala parti mill-avveniment ‘EU Open House’. Id-Delegazzjoni tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Ambaxxati ta’ 28 Stat Membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea lejn l-Istati Uniti saru jiftħu l-bibien tagħhom għall-pubbliku f’Washington matul dan l-avveniment annwali li sar il-qofol tal-kalendarju kulturali ta’ Mejju f’din il-belt. Matul dan il-jum, il-pubbliku jiġi offrut ħarsa rari ġewwa l-bini ta’ dawn l-Ambaxxati u jiġi pprovdut opportunità unika sabiex jesperjenza il-wirt kulturali u t-tradizzjonijiet nazzjonali ta’ dawn il-pajjiżi.

Aktar minn 1,000 viżitaturi esperjenzaw l-ospitalità Maltija hekk kif kienu milqugħa fl-Ambaxxata Maltija b'togħma ta’ qagħaq tal-ġunġlien, torta tat-tamal u rinfreski. L-istaff tal-Ambaxxata wieġeb mistoqsijiet dwar l-istorja, l-lingwa, l-kultura, l-ekonomija u l-ħajja f’Malta filwaqt li qassmu materjal promozzjonali dwar Malta. Videos tal-ħafna attrazzjonijiet u pajsaġġi xeniċi f’Malta ġew murija matul il-ġurnata. Filwaqt li xi wħud minn dawk li żaru l-Ambaxxata kienu diġà żaru l-Gżejjer Maltin, oħrajn kienu ħerqana biex jesperjenzaw Malta għall-ewwel darba u fittxew l-informazzjoni dwar il-vjaġ lejn Malta u attrazjonijiet turistiċi.

Matul il-jum, ċ-Ċentru ta’ Studju Malti fi ħdan il-Mużew u Librerija tal-Manuskritti Hill, nieda wirja dwar l-istorja ta' l-arkivji Maltin u l-ħidma għall-preservazzjoni tagħhom li qiegħda titwettaq miċ-Ċentru ta’ Studju Malti. Il-wirja kienet tinkludi diversi panels illustrati li jiddeskrivu l-wirt arkivjali għani ta' Malta, li jinkludi r-repożitorji ewlenin fosthom dawk ta' l-Arkivji tal-Katidral, l-Arkivji Nazzjonali, l-Arkivji Nutarili, l-Arkivji ta' l-Ordni ta' Malta li jinstabu fil-Librerija Nazzjonali, u l-Arkivji Olof Gollcher fil-Mużew tad-Dar Storika, Palazzo Falson.

Dan l-avveniment offra liċ-Ċentru ta’ Studju Malti opportunità unika biex jenfasizza l-istorja manuskritt rikka ta' Malta u l-arkivji tagħha lill-membri ta' l-UE u l-viżitaturi mill-Istati Uniti fl-ambaxxata bħala preparazzjoni għall-2018 meta l-Belt Valletta sejra tkun il-Kapitali Kulturali tal-Ewropa.

Embassy of Malta celebrates Europe Day

The Embassy of Malta in Washington celebrated Europe Day on the 9th of May by opening its doors to the public as part of the EU Open House event. 

This year the Ambassador HE Marisa Micallef organised a cultural event about Malta’s rich treasure of archives with the support of the Malta Study Centre in Minnesota and the collaboration of the Honorary Consul General Mr. Joseph Micallef.

Dr. Daniel Gullo of the Malta Study Centre of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library curated an exhibit showcasing the history of the Maltese archives and the preservation work of the Malta Study Centre. The exhibit included several illustrated panels describing the rich archival heritage of Malta, including the major repositories of the Cathedral Archives, National Archives, Notarial Archives, the Archives of the Order of Malta held in the National Library, and the Olof Gollcher Archives at the Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum.  

The event offered the Malta Study Centre a unique opportunity to highlight the rich manuscript history of Malta and its archives to members of the E.U. and U.S. visitors to the embassy in preparation for Valletta being the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2018.

The Delegation of the European Union and the Embassies of 28 EU Member States to the United States open their doors to the Washington public during this annual event which has become the highlight of the city’s May cultural calendar.  On this day, the public is offered a rare look inside the Embassy buildings and is provided with a unique opportunity to experience the countries’ cultural heritage and national traditions.

More than 1,000 visitors experienced Maltese hospitality first hand as they were welcomed into the Maltese Embassy with a taste of homemade ‘qagħaq tal-ġunġlen’ (sesame rings), ‘torta tat-tamal’ (date cake) and refreshments made by the Embassy’s own housekeeper.  

The Embassy’s staff answered questions about Maltese history, language, culture, economy and way of life, and distributed promotional material on Malta .Videos of Malta’s many attractions and scenic landscapes were shown throughout the day.  While some of those visiting the Embassy had already visited and fallen in love with the islands, others were eager to experience Malta for the first time and sought information on travelling to and visiting Malta. 

07 May 2015

Photographic exhibition "Discover the USA" open to the public, May 8-25, 2015

The U.S. Embassy cordially invites you and your family/guests to visit a photographic exhibition “Discover the USA” at St. James Cavalier Center for Creativity between May 8 and 25, 2015. 

Malta – An Educational Hub In The Mediterranean

The American University of Malta (AUM) proposed project, a €115 million investment, envisaged to create 400 new jobs whilst also hosting 4,000 students was announced today by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

After an introduction given by Sadeen Group on the launch of the project, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat gave a closing speech by sharing two good news where he reiterated that the AUM project is aimed at consolidating Malta’s already excellent reputation whilst also serving as an education hub in the Mediterranean.

Dr Muscat continued by saying that, the proposed project will aid in accelerating the development and the attraction which Malta poses as an education destination for students from all over the region and beyond.

The Prime Minister went on further in expressing his satisfaction that Sadeen Group chose Malta as the destination for this investment and also for them having teamed up with the acclaimed De Paul University of Chicago, which will offer international students a cutting edge experience in Malta.

Whilst admitting that he was looking forward to having Maltese students avail themselves of these world class programmes, the Prime Minister said that the government will be negotiating hard for scholarships to be offered to Maltese students. The Prime Minister also urged this new addition to the education eco-system to work with the other institutions, namely the University of Malta, Barts Medical School, the Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology, and the Institute for Tourism Studies, amongst others and claimed that, such synergies, can result in value-added to the Maltese economy.

The Prime Minister said that the AUM project will be based in the underestimated southern part of Malta which so far has only seen polluting investments and will be conceived within the framework of sustainable development, blending into the environment with cutting edge technologies.

Dr Muscat then announced the second equally important good news which is the establishment of a National Natural Park in Marsascala. This park will include the foreshore and the area adjacent to the zone earmarked for the AUM. It will include at least 450 to 500 tumoli of land which will be permanently protected.

Also part of this second proposal is the AUM’s aim at opening sport facilities to the local communities and the rehabilitation of the former national pool giving the communities of the area the much needed recreational and sport facilities.

The government, said Dr Muscat, is sending a clear message, that it is as serious about the environment as it is about creating wealth and distributing it in a fair manner.