25 May 2010

Membership drive

The success of any group depends, to a considerable extent, on the number of members. With a larger headcount, we will be in a better position to increase the chances of success in those issues that matter to us. We are currently in the mid-hundreds yet I believe that this number should be a four digit value. We need those numbers.

Here are some tips that may help you “discover” other Stars And Stripes Malta (SASM) potential members:
  • Do you recall someone your parents used to mention? Can you track them down?
  • Did you have a friend at school (Malta or the US) who could be a member? Are they on Facebook or other social network?
  • Is there a relative who might know of people who have lived in the US?
  • Are there mechanisms, clubs, schools, parish notice boards, etc. you may post a note about us?
  • Can you write about SASM in the press? This will help others discover SASM by reading what you are writing about us.
  • Do you know of any Maltese groups in the US who could help; do you have their email addresses (preferably) or postal addresses? Were you involved with these groups (or maybe your next of kin)? SASM will help you if you need our assistance.
  • Could you take it upon yourself to give SASM a mention on a community radio? Don’t know what to say or you’re radio shy? – talk to us.
  • Does your parish publish a weekly Bulletin? Can we get a mention over there?
  • Other ideas?

It would be nice if you kept SASM in the loop. We need all the help you can give us. Summer is now upon us and this may give some of you more opportunity to mix and mingle. Make it a point to proudly promote SASM in your exchanges. And don’t forget that membership to SASM is completely free.