18 October 2014

Malta Favur Negozjati Bejn L-Unjoni Ewropea U L-Istati Uniti Dwar Ftehim Trans-Atlantika Ta' Kummerċ U Ta' Investiment (TTIP)

Il-Ministru għall-Ekonomija, Investiment u Intrarpriżi  Żgħar Dr Chris Cardona attenda għal laqgħa informali tal-Ministri tal-Kummerċ tal-Unjoni Ewropea, li saret f’Ruma, li trattat il-fehim Trans-Atlantika ta' Kummerċ u ta' Investiment (TTIP), ir-relazzjonijiet mar-Russja u l-Ukrajna u l-Politika Kummerċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Il-Ministru Cardona qal li Malta hija favur li l-Kummissjoni Ewropea tkompli bin-negozjati tagħha għal ftehim Trans-Atlantika ta' Kummerċ u ta' Investiment.  Dan għaliex huwa mistenni li ftehim ta’ dan it-tip ikollu l-potenzjal li jtejjeb il-kummerċ bejn l-Istati Membri tal-UE u l-Istati Uniti u għalhekk jistimula tkabbir ekonomiku fiż-żewġ reġjuni.

Fl-istess waqt, il-Ministru Cardona, qal li Malta hija mħassba bin-nuqqas ta’ aċċessibbiltà li hemm għal dokumenti tal-Istati Uniti li huma importanti biex issir analisi sew tad-diskussjonijiet, kif ukoll dwar il-pożizzjoni li qed tieħu l-Istati Uniti fis-settur marittimu, fl-avjazzjoni u l-gaming. 

Dwar is-settur Marittimu, il-Ministru Cardona tkellem fuq il-ħtieġa li l-ftehim jistabilixxi numru ta’ obbligi bejn iż-żewġ partijiet, għaliex fis-sitwazzjoni li qegħdin fiha l-operaturi mill-Unjoni Ewropea għandhom aċċess limitat għas-swieq fl-Istati Uniti.

Dr Chris Cardona qal ukoll li Malta tixtieq tara progress fis-setturi tas-servizzi tat-trasport internazzjonali u fid-diskussjonijiet dwar l-aspett regolatorju tas-servizzi finanzjarji għaliex iż-żewġ oqsma huma importanti għall-ekonomji tal-Unjoni Ewropea u tal-Istati Uniti.

11 October 2014

Maestro Joseph Vella’s Mass To Be Performed In New York In 2015

During the celebrations in Washington DC marking the fiftieth anniversary of Malta’s Independence, the Maltese Ambassador to the US Ms. Marisa Micallef took the opportunity to organise a cultural event to promote Maestro Joseph Vella’s Mass. The event was held at the Headquarters of the EU Delegation, where earlier this year Malta also successfully promoted the Valletta International Baroque Festival. 

The Ambassador and Christopher Hyland, who originally commissioned the Mass, had previously also had talks with the New York Choral Society in connection with performing this in New York City. During the Malta celebrations in DC the Director of the New York Choral Society David Hayes, made the very positive announcement that the New York Choral Society had decided to perform this Mass in the fall of 2015 in NYC.

This event was very well attended by EU and other ambassadors, a number of US Administration officials including the Chief of Protocol, leaders from the DC Arts world, members of the Maltese community and of the diplomatic community in Washington, including the Apostolic Nuncio to the US.

The autographed programme relating to the September 19th Malta 50th anniversary event will be added to the New York Choral Society archive which is part of the collection of the NY Library of the performing arts.

Ambassador Micallef explained how when she first heard the Mass she knew it would be her responsibility to ensure it would be performed here in the USA and the Embassy of Malta had put together this special cultural event with this in mind.